Soul Mates & Swole Mates

This is where we talk about life experiences that built who we are and who God is calling us to be.


What has created your identity? Is it the negativity that people pour into you or do you see who you could be, who you are striving to be? We need to start seeing ourselves in the light of our future selves, not our past.


Do you struggle in your marriage or relationships? Do you feel like you both struggling to love or feel loved? Do you know how to speak each others love languages? Are you willing to step back from your pride to really understand the other person?

Self Perception/Fear

Is your self perception accurate built and based on fear and self doubt? What are we holding ourselves back from because we think we know what people think about us. One thing I have heard and I love “what other people think of me is non of my business”

Fat Loss

What is really going on when the scale goes up and down, is it really fat, is it water, is it muscle?


How do you know if you are making progress? What tools are you using? What accountability do you have in place so you don’t quit on yourself when things get hard?

Social Anxiety

So many people miss out on opportunities in life because of the anxiety of the unknown. We talk about finding good ways to grow into finding a happy medium of being who you are but not letting that hold you back.

Level Up

You don’t have to go to church to be a Christian. You don’t have to have a gym membership to get into shape. However, it helps SO much to be around people with the same passions and the same goals (or bigger goals). Sometimes your own fire will die down and you need the heat of others to stoke your fire.

Stretch Reflex/Max Force Production

Travis explains stretch reflex and max force production. While Julia knows we should do these things, putting them to words is not her forte. So if you are someone who wants to know the whens and whys tune in to learn.


Success is not final. Your measuring stick for success should always be moving. As you grow, your goals grow. Success looks different for everyone, it’s not necessarily money or status, but sometimes contentment and purpose.

Food Intake

If you go on a “diet” you most likely will fail. You will get burnt out or feel deprived. While you do have to practice self control, we also believe that there can be a happy middle ground. Your diet is what you are consuming, it’s not a fad that isn’t sustainable.


What does it mean to be a leader to us? We talk about the leadership we have found the best in our lives is often when a leader has a servants heart as well.

Owning Up to Your Mistakes

Often we want to blame other people for things going wrong; this is especially true in marriages. More often than not there is always something we can reflect on and see where we may be at fault or can do better.

Feeder Sets

If you ever have heard someone talking about things in the gym beyond your comprehension, let us break it down for you a little more. There is nothing wrong with simple lifting to lift, but if you have specific goals or are stalled out there are a few things you can do to intensify and change it up. This time we will explain feeder sets, when and how to use them.

Financial Goals

Meathead Talk

Mind Control

Parenting and Emotions


Support Systems

